Best telegram app for iphone
Best telegram app for iphone

The threats are sent to users through simple email campaigns. The malware itself is not spread by Telegram messages-which its why, as Check Point says, it doesn’t matter whether you have it installed or not. Telegram enabled cyber attack Check Point Even when Telegram is not installed or being used, it allows hackers to send malicious commands and operations remotely via the instant messaging app.” They can do anything-teach, play, search, broadcast, remind, connect, integrate with other services, or even pass commands to the Internet of Things.” Unfortunately, that’s not all those bots can do.Ĭheck Point, which also issued this new Telegram warning, says it has “tracked 130 cyber attacks that used malware managed over Telegram by attackers in the last three months. It provides seemingly limitless groups and channels, and a range of other sophisticated features, including its own “bot platform.”Īs Telegram explains, “bots are simply Telegram accounts operated by software-not people-and they'll often have AI features. Its architecture now serves more than 500 million users, through a spider’s web of connected endpoints and its own cloud back-end.

best telegram app for iphone

Telegram is significantly more complex than its direct rivals, the likes of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, iMessage and Signal.

Best telegram app for iphone